Page 17 - Confirmation Junior High
P. 17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Junior High
    I Respond to God’s Word
 Genesis tells the story of two covenants: one between God and Noah and one between God and Abram (Abraham).
Read Genesis 6:11–22 and 9:8–17 (the story of Noah), then read Genesis 17:1–10 (the story of Abram). Write one sentence for each ques on below:
What did God promise to Noah, and what did he ask of him?
What two things did God promise Abram, and what did he expect of him?
Read Deuteronomy 4:1–2, where Moses is reminding the Jewish people about the Old Covenant.
What did God promise the people in the Old Covenant, and what did he ask the people to do?
Read Jesus’ own words about the New Covenant (Ma hew 26:26–28).
What promise did God make through Jesus?
Now read Acts 2:38–42.
What does Peter say that Jesus’ followers must do as their part in the New Covenant?
                      “Though the mountains fall away and the hills be shaken, My love shall never fall away from you nor my covenant of peace be shaken, says the Lord.” —Isaiah 54:10
 Step 12 (10 Minutes)
Read Called to Be Priest, Prophet, and King. Review what it means to share in the common priesthood. Allow time for silent re ection, Have the young people write their responses to one of the questions.
Step 13
Option A (5 Minutes)
Close with We Pray, which presents some of the
Church’s traditional prayers.
Option B (5 Minutes)
Close with Saint Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit. To provide copies of this prayer for the young people, use Handout 2—Saint Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
           JH L2-PRESS V1_6-7.indd 8 6/7/17 2:42 PM
Saint Augus ne’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen.
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  Junior High
Handout 1 / Living the Bea tudes
Gi ed with the Spirit Con rma on
Hk i e t c v h o e l n u n o t n e c e e r s a a w t e a e s k o . u p
Handout 1—Living the Beatitudes can be found on Catechist Guide page 76.
Handout 2—Saint Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit can be found on Catechist Guide page 76.
  Blessed are...
T h e p o o r i n s p i r i t
Those who mourn
The meek Tthiorstefworhroighutenoguersnaensds The merciful
M y U n c l e J o h n
The clean of heart
The peacemakers
Tfohrotshewsahkoeaoref rpigehrsteocutsendess
Handout 2 / Saint Augus ne’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit
     PSarianyteAr utoguthsteinHeo’sly Spirit
Breathaetimn my teh,oOuHghotlsymSpaiyribte, holy. Act itnhmatem, Oy Hworlyk,Stpoior,itm, ay be holy. DrawthmatyIhleoavret,bOutHwohlyatSipsihriotl,y. Strentogtdheefnenmdea,lOl tHhaotlyisShpoilryit. , GuartdhamteI,atlhweany,sOmHaoylbyeShpoirliyt.,
PSarianyteAr utoguthsteinHeo’sly Spirit
Breathaetimn my teh,oOuHghotlsymSpaiyribte, holy. Act itnhmatem, Oy Hworlyk,Stpoior,itm, ay be holy. DrawthmatyIhleoavret,bOutHwohlyatSipsihriotl,y. Strentogtdheefnenmdea,lOl tHhaotlyisShpoilryit. , GuartdhamteI,atlhweany,sOmHaoylbyeShpoirliyt.,
                      ©sch2o0o1ls8uPs inagutmhePCuobnlis hrminga Gorno:uGpi, aediwvistihonthoefSBpairyitarpdr,oIgnrca.m(8.00-543-4383)p 76 Candidate Handouts
  Junior High
Handout 1 / Living the Bea tudes
Gi ed with the Spirit Con rma on
Hk i e t c v h o e l n u n o t n e c e e r s a a w t e a e s k o . u p
  Blessed are...
T h e p o o r i n s p i r i t
Those who mourn
The meek Tthiorstefworhroighutenoguersnaensds The merciful
M y U n c l e J o h n
The clean of heart
The peacemakers
Tfohrotshewsahkoeaoref rpigehrsteocutsendess
Handout 2 / Saint Augus ne’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit
     PSarianyteAr utoguthsteinHeo’sly Spirit
Breathaetimn my teh,oOuHghotlsymSpaiyribte, holy. Act itnhmatem, Oy Hworlyk,Stpoior,itm, ay be holy. DrawthmatyIhleoavret,bOutHwohlyatSipsihriotl,y. Strentogtdheefnenmdea,lOl tHhaotlyisShpoilryit. , GuartdhamteI,atlhweany,sOmHaoylbyeShpoirliyt.,
PSarianyteAr utoguthsteinHeo’sly Spirit
Breathaetimn my teh,oOuHghotlsymSpaiyribte, holy. Act itnhmatem, Oy Hworlyk,Stpoior,itm, ay be holy. DrawthmatyIhleoavret,bOutHwohlyatSipsihriotl,y. Strentogtdheefnenmdea,lOl tHhaotlyisShpoilryit. , GuartdhamteI,atlhweany,sOmHaoylbyeShpoirliyt.,
                      ©sch2o0o1ls8uPs inagutmhePCuobnlis hrminga Gorno:uGpi, aediwvistihonthoefSBpairyitarpdr,oIgnrca.m(8.00-543-4383)p 76 Candidate Handouts
  Gi ed with the Spirit Con rma on 7
JH L2-PRESS V1_6-7.indd 7 6/7/17 2:42 PM
  Called to Be Priest,
Prophet, and King
Did you know that, since your Baptism, you participate in the common priesthood of the faithful? When
we participate at Mass and receive the sacraments, we become one with Christ as he offers himself for the life
of the world, especially in the Eucharist. The Sacrament of Con rmation strengthens us for this role.
The common priesthood is different from the ordained priesthood. In the Sacrament of Holy Orders, an ordained priest becomes consecrated to act in the person of Jesus Christ. Ordained priests serve and support the priesthood of all believers.
Re ect on one of the following ques ons:
How do you par cipate at Mass now?
What do you o er up in Christ for the life of the world? What could you o er?
         We Pray
   Leader: Please join now in three classic Catholic prayers of devo on to God. The  rst is the Act of Faith.
All: O my God, I  rmly believe that you
are one God in three divine Persons,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe
that your divine Son became man
and died for our sins and that he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches because you have revealed them who are eternal truth and wisdom, who can neither deceive nor be deceived. In this faith I intend to live and die. Amen.
Leader: The second is the Act of Hope.
All: O Lord God, I hope by your grace for the pardon of all my sins and a er life here to gain eternal happiness because you have promised it who are in nitely powerful, faithful, kind, and merciful. In this hope I intend to live and die. Amen.
Leader: The last is the Act of Love.
All: O Lord God, I love you above all things and I love my neighbor for your sake because you are the highest, in nite and perfect good, worthy of all my love. In this love I intend to live and die. Amen.
Leader: We pray for faith, hope, and love in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
 —Prayers from the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
                   This edi on of Gi ed with the Spirit is printed pending ecclesias cal approval. Imprimatur: >Most Reverend Robert J. McManus, S.T.D., Bishop of Worcester, April 2, 2017
Gi ed with the Spirit copyright © 2018 by P aum Publishing Group, a division of Bayard, Inc., sponsored by the Augus nians of the Assump on. Material in this issue may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or format without special permission from the publisher. Gi ed with the Spirit is a registered trademark of P aum Publishing Group, a division of Bayard, Inc. Printed in the USA. Photo credits: p. 1 Michael Doyle/Bayard, Inc., Marcel Crozet/CIRIC; p. 2 Sasa Prudkov/Shu erstock; p. 3 depositphotos/trambo, Galina Barskaya/
Shu erstock,; p. 4 depositphotos: magurok5 and zager, Robert Young/Shu erstock; p. 5 depositphotos: breee and zager, Shu erstock: and Jaren Jai Wicklund; p. 6 depositphotos: breee and zager; p. 7 Sasa Prudkov/Shu erstock; William Alix/CIRIC.
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