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         Parent Teaching Pages Preview
• Easy-to-use guides walk parents through teaching each lesson with step- by-step instructions, background information, and discussion starters.
• Parents who are assisting their children at home will benefit from these simplified versions of the Teaching Guides.
• Available online in both English and Spanish.
October 15, 2023 • 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Readings: Isaiah 25:6–10a; Philippians 4:12–14,19–20; Matthew 22:1–14
     Sunday Gospel Background
In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells about a king who keeps inviting guests to his son’s wedding feast until he fills
the hall. Matthew dwells on the fate of the guests who refuse the king’s invitation. Promise stresses instead the desire of the king to
share his happiness with everyone around him.
October 15, 2023 • 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Share Experiences
Check off the boxes as you complete each part of the lesson.
Pray together “Jesus, you give us the Mass and Holy Communion so we can be part of you and you can be part of us. Thank
Lesson Theme: Jesus invites us to a holy meal.
you! Bless us today so we can learn more about you and become better members of your Church. Amen.”
Cover l Jesus invites us to a holy meal. (pages 1 and 4) Ask: Can you remember some special
Jesus said, “Listen to this parable about what God’s kingdom
events our family has been invited to celebrate? Holidays, birthdays, weddings. Ask: What happens at these celebrations?
is like. Once there was a king whose son was getting married.
Special food, games, prizes, gifts, clothes. Ask: How do you feel when you are at these events? Love, excitement, happiness.
The king decided to throw a big wedding feast. The king said
not come.
Invite your child to examine the photos on page 1 and tell you where they were taken. In a church. At Mass. At a Baptism.
to his messengers, ‘Go out and tell the people I invited that
Remind your child that we are always invited to God’s house and to Mass. Read aloud the page title. Ask: What is the holy meal
the feast is ready.’
“The messengers went back to the king and said, ‘We went
to the people you invited, but no one will come.’
“The messengers went out to share the message. They said,
that Jesus invites us to? Mass, Holy Communion, the Eucharist.
Now have your child open Promise so that the front and back (pages 1 and 4) lie flat and side by side. Ask: Which words and
‘Come and celebrate! Come to the king’s feast for his son who
“Then the king said, ‘The feast is ready. Go, invite everyone
drawing go with each photo? Have your child point or draw lines from the words and drawings to the matching photos.
is getting married.’ But the people the king had invited would
you see.’The messengers went out and rounded up all kinds
the king’s son and his bride.”
of people. They came to the feast to celebrate the wedding of
Story l Steve’s Birthday Party. Tell the following story:
Steve’s mom promised him that he could have a party on his Mark and Samantha on Friday.
Explain that the king is like Jesus’ Father in Heaven, who wants people to belong to the family of God and keeps inviting more and
seventh birthday and invite three friends. Steve helped his mom On Saturday morning, Steve helped get ready for the
more guests. Point out that the children on the cover are at the big celebration of God’s people—the Mass.
plan the food, games, and prizes. He made three invitations birthday party. He set eight places at the table. “Steve,” said
that said: “Come to my party this Saturday, 1 p.m.” Steve gave his mom, “you have set too many places.” Steve looked at his
one invitation to John, one to Pedro, and one to Mary. mom and said, “Mark, Samantha, Mike, and Terry wanted to
Marriage is when a man and a woman promise to love each other forever. Explain that like Baptism, a wedding happens in a
Word of the Week l marriage (page 3) Help your child locate the Word of the Week. Share this definition:
church because it is a special celebration of God’s love called a sacrament. The name of this sacrament is Matrimony.
having a birthday party? Can we come too?” Steve said, “Yes.” His mother laughed. “It’s a good thing I baked a big cake
On Tuesday at school, Mike and Terry said to Steve, “Are you come too, so I invited them.”
and bought extra hats and prizes. We have room for all of your
friends, Steve. Next time, please tell me how many guests you
Open the What the Church Believes and Teaches handbook to page 16. Read aloud the title. Ask: What is in
have invited.”Then she gave Steve a big hug and said, “Happy
the picture? Read aloud the words on the top half of the page and the directions in red. When your child has
That night he made two more invitations and gave them to
finished the tracing and coloring, ask: What is our church family’s special Sunday celebration called? Mass.
Mike and Terry on Wednesday.
Once you have completed this section of the lesson, close the handbook and return to Promise, pages 2-3.
On Thursday, Mark and Samantha ran up to Steve on the
playground. “Can we come to your party?” they asked. “OK,”
Live the Gospel
said Steve. He made two more invitations and gave them to
Ask: What kind of friend is Steve? Would you have invited all the children to your party? What kind of person is Steve’s mother?
Read aloud the words and directions and invite your child to complete the activity.
Activity l We celebrate with friends and food. (pages 2–3) Open Promise to the inside pages.
Discover Gospel and Doctrine
Sunday Gospel l The Wedding Feast Explain that Jesus told a story about a king who wanted to give a
crayon or pencil. Then read the words together. Remind your child that God invites us to a big celebration every week—Sunday
Activity l God says, “Come to my house . . .” (page 4) Help your child trace the letters with a
Unit 1: We Are the Church l TG1-7
wedding celebration and meal for his son.
“Thank you, Jesus!” Finish with the Sign of the Cross.
Closing Prayer Take turns sharing names of people you celebrate Mass with. Mention the people who come with you
and the people you see there, such as friends, classmates, your parish priest and/or deacon, etc. After each name, pray together,
Parent Resources
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