Page 6 - Venture - Program Preview
P. 6

                    SUNDAY GOSPEL 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Matthew 22:1–14
Jesus Invites Us to a Feast
 Narrator: Jesus told the chief priests and elders another parable.
Jesus: The Kingdom of Heaven is like a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. The king sent
his servants to bring the invited guests. But they refused to come. The king sent his servants a second time to bring the guests to the wedding.
King: Tell them I have prepared a banquet. My fat calves have been killed. Come, the feast is ready!
Jesus: Some guests ignored the invitation. One guest went to his farm, another to his business. The rest of the guests insulted the king’s servants and killed them. The king grew so furious that he sent his army to destroy the murderers and burn their city. Then he sent
Connecting GOSPEL and DOCTRINE
The king in this Sunday’s Gospel probably feels insulted and angry that people have turned down his invitation. He tells his servants to find people—any people—who will attend the wedding feast.
God invites all people to come to his feast and to belong to the family of God. Every Sunday, Catholics around the world gather to worship God at Mass. All are welcomed to the Lord’s Table to celebrate the Eucharist.
As baptized Christians, the Eucharist is the feast to which God invites us. Jesus sends his
his servants out to invite other guests.
King: The feast is ready. The guests I invited were not worthy to come. Go out on the streets and highways. Invite everyone you find to the wedding feast.
Jesus: The servants went out and found guests, both good and bad, and filled the hall for the wedding feast. The king saw a man not dressed in wedding clothes.
King: My friend why are you not dressed for the wedding?
Jesus: The man had no reply.
King: Servants, bind this man’s hands and feet, and throw him into the darkness outside where there is anger and sadness.
Jesus: Many people are invited, but few are chosen.
THINK 1 What is insulting about refusing an invitation? Why does the king invite new guests?
2 Why does Jesus tell his parable to the chief priests and Pharisees?
3 Why does Jesus make a wedding feast the image of God’s kingdom?
4 Why does Jesus tell us about the man who is not wearing wedding clothes?
                     God Invites Everyone to His Feast
 first disciples to “make disciples all nations” (Matthew 28:19). The disciples travel and preach the Good News throughout the communities around the Mediterranean Sea.
Some people accept the invitation to become Christians. Others reject it. But it is our duty to offer people Christian hospitality and charity. We are called to be
patient and hopeful even if people
1 How do you respond to God’s invitation to be part of his family?
2 Jesus sends his disciples to share the Good News. Would you invite a friend to join you for Mass or a youth event? What might stop you?
     turn down our invitation (CCC, 1971).
PFLAUM GOSPEL WEEKLIES Faith Formation Program
for Children
Believes and Teaches What the Church
Turn to page 15 in What the Church Believes and Teaches to learn how the Mass is like a special family celebration. What happens during the Eucharist? Turn to pages 21–23 to find out.
                                                  4 • Venture Lesson 4

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