Page 8 - Gifted with the Spirit Senior High
P. 8

                                   Seeing with Eyes of Faith These Scripture passages show people taking very di erent
views of the same situa on. Who is seeing with eyes of faith?
In small groups, read each Scripture passage and discuss the ques ons.
’ view of the adulterous woman di erent from the view the scribes and Pharisees
  John 8:2–1
• HowisJesus have of her?
• HowisJesus’viewofthescribesandPhariseesdi erentfromtheirviewofthemselves?
• How do you think the view each person has of himself or herself changes in the course of the story?
Luke 17:11–19
• How is the vision of the one leper di erent from the vision of the other nine? • Why do you think the thankful leper was saved?
Luke 18:9–14
• What is the di erence between the view of the Pharisee and that of the tax collector? • WhydoyouthinkJesuspraisestheviewofthetaxcollector?
Luke 19:1–10
• What is the di erence between Jesus’ view of Zacchaeus and the crowd’s view of Zacchaeus?
      • HowdoesZacchaeusrespondtoJesus’viewofhim?
• Howdoesourviewofpeoplehurtthemorhelpthem?Whendidyourwayofseeingsomeonehelp that person? Explain.
 Gi ed with the Spirit Con rma on 7

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