About Us

Pflaum serves parish catechetical programs and Catholic schools with unique resources for faith formation.

About us

Pflaum Publishing Group is a division of Bayard, Inc., a Catholic media company owned by the Augustinians of the Assumption (Assumptionists) and serving the K-12 education market. Pflaum publishes a wide range of materials for Catholic religious education including the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program for preschool through grade 8, Together in Jesus sacramental preparation programs for primary grades, Gifted with the Spirit Confirmation preparation for junior and senior high, Children Celebrate! for Liturgy of the Word with children, and much more!

Pflaum also offers Catechist.com, a website for catechists in parish religious education programs, the Catechist Handbook and Planning Guide, an essential resource for catechists, and the Liturgical Year Calendar, for use in the classroom and home (visit bayardfaithresources.com to find these resources).

Mission Statement

We, the employees of Bayard, Inc., commit ourselves to serving the education community by publishing quality products, providing dedicated customer service, creating effective marketing programs, and pursuing sound business practices.

To achieve these goals, we must

• Attract and nurture qualified, competent, customer-focused individuals who take pride in their work and in their ability to contribute to the goals of the company
• Maintain a working environment that fosters productivity, creativity, innovation, and respect for others
• Identify and respond to the evolving needs of the education community
• Effectively communicate the value of our products and services
We acknowledge with pride our entrepreneurial beginnings and continue to be inspired by that rich and creative vision.

Employment Opportunities

Pflaum Publishing Group is an equal opportunity employer. Please submit resumes electronically to careers@bayard-inc.com in one of the following file formats:

  • Microsoft Word
  • PDF
  • Plain text
  • Open Office Writer