Bonus Resources

We’ve enhanced our lessons and support materials to help you to confidently prepare young people to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. You’ll find everything you need to learn more about Gifted with the Spirit by choosing from the options listed.

Click here to preview some of the Bonus Resources available!

Select the appropriate box to access our free bonus resources!

Seleccione la opción apropiada para tener acceso gratuito a nuestros recursos adicionales.

Resources to Support Two-Year Sacramental Preparation Programs

    • We offer the following resources to supplement your parish or diocese’s two-year sacramental preparation program.
Video Links

These videos will help bring the message of the lesson to life. Play them in the session or share links with candidates and parents/sponsors to extend the lesson.

Junior High videos
Senior High videos

Enlaces para videos

Estos videos le ayudarán a dar vida al mensaje del Evangelio. Muéstrelos en la clase o compártalos con los candidatos y padres/padrinos para ampliar la lección.


E-blasts for Parents, Sponsors, and Candidates

Here you will find printable articles for each session so you can share lesson summaries with parents and families. English | Spanish

New! Virtual Confirmation Retreat

In reimagining the Confirmation retreat, take a step back from the trips, the games, the destinations, and the guest speakers, and instead focus on the most important thing a retreat can still achieve: how it asks us to slow down, to reflect, to listen, and to grow in faith.

Scripture passages, stories and video links embedded right in the text, everything you need to lead a powerful retreat experience is here at your fingertips. Designed to lead your group in either an online format or socially distanced gathering, The Fire of Your Love works together with our best-selling confirmation prayer guide, A Future with Hope.

Click here to read a sample!

For the individual use version, please click here.
For the sharable use version, please click here.

Retreat Planning Powerpoints:

To assist your Confirmation retreat planning, view these Powerpoint presentations, created for Pflaum by David Dayler and Anne Jamieson.

Planning a Confirmation Retreat
Planning a Confirmation Retreat Planning Sheets
Practically Speaking: Practical Suggestions for Retreats with Young People
Using Movies and Music in Confirmation Retreats

David Dayler, M.A., serves as the Director of the Office for Discipleship and Parish Life for the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario. David is the author of Being a Man After God’s Own Heart (Novalis, 2013).

Anne Jamieson, is the Director of Catechesis for the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario. In addition to her ministry with the diocese, Anne is completing her D.Min. at the University of Toronto.

Reflections on the Gifts of the Spirit for Parents and Teens

Throughout the Sacramental preparation process, these handouts can be shared with candidates and their families to reflect on the Gifts of the Spirit.

English | Spanish

Gifted with the Spirit Online Assessments

Assessment of student comprehension is important for all disciplines. In addition to measuring student progress, assessment gives the catechist-teacher, parent, or program director an opportunity to gauge the effectiveness of his or her teaching methods. Testing in a faith formation program, however, comes with a special warning: Religion tests are not faith tests. Access the Gifted with the Spirit assessments here: (English) (Spanish)

Answer keys are available here:

Junior High (English) (Spanish).

Senior High (English).

Reflections on the Fruits of the Spirit for Parents and Teens

Throughout the Sacramental preparation process, these handouts can be shared with candidates and their families to reflect on the Fruits of the Spirit.

English | Spanish

Blog post from Kevin Dowd: Confirmed in the Spirit
Prayer, Ritual, and Music Resource: A Future With Hope

Strengthen your confirmation preparation program by helping your young people enter into the liturgical prayer of the Church. Following a strong liturgical model and using liturgical texts, but framed around their experiences preparing for the sacrament, these powerful prayer services will help them grow in their relationship with God and one another.

The themes included in this resource correlate to Pflaum’s Gifted With the Spirit Confirmation Program, but can also be used with any Confirmation program as well.

Click here to see how this resource works.

Click here for more information and to order.

Resources to Support Two-Year Sacramental Preparation Programs

We offer the following resources to supplement your parish or diocese’s two-year sacramental preparation program.
Correlation to Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Visions

Learn how to integrate Confirmation preparation within your Visions sessions for Grades 7–8. Click here

Gifted with the Spirit Online Assessments

Assessment of student comprehension is important for all disciplines. In addition to measuring student progress, assessment gives the catechist-teacher, parent, or program director an opportunity to gauge the effectiveness of his or her teaching methods. Testing in a faith formation program, however, comes with a special warning: Religion tests are not faith tests. Access the Gifted with the Spirit assessments here: (English) (Spanish)

Answer keys are available here:

Junior High (English) (Spanish).

Senior High (English).

Video Links

These videos will help bring the message of the lesson to life. Play them in the session or share links with candidates and parents/sponsors to extend the lesson.

Junior High videos

Senior High videos

Enlaces para videos

Estos videos le ayudarán a dar vida al mensaje del Evangelio. Muéstrelos en la clase o compártalos con los candidatos y padres/padrinos para ampliar la lección.


Reflections on the Fruits of the Spirit for Parents and Teens

Throughout the Sacramental preparation process, these handouts can be shared with candidates and their families to reflect on the Fruits of the Spirit.

English | Spanish

Reflections on the Gifts of the Spirit for Parents and Teens

Throughout the Sacramental preparation process, these handouts can be shared with candidates and their families to reflect on the Gifts of the Spirit.

English | Spanish

E-blasts for Parents, Sponsors, and Candidates

Here you will find printable articles for each session so you can share lesson summaries with parents and families. English | Spanish

Prayers to Know
Blog post from Kevin Dowd: Confirmed in the Spirit
From the Catechism—Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit
New! Virtual Confirmation Retreat

In reimagining the Confirmation retreat, take a step back from the trips, the games, the destinations, and the guest speakers, and instead focus on the most important thing a retreat can still achieve: how it asks us to slow down, to reflect, to listen, and to grow in faith.

Scripture passages, stories and video links embedded right in the text, everything you need to lead a powerful retreat experience is here at your fingertips. Designed to lead your group in either an online format or socially distanced gathering, The Fire of Your Love works together with our best-selling confirmation prayer guide, A Future with Hope.

Click here to read a sample!

For the individual use version, please click here.
For the sharable use version, please click here.

Retreat Planning Powerpoints

To assist your Confirmation retreat planning, view these Powerpoint presentations, created for Pflaum by David Dayler and Anne Jamieson.

Planning a Confirmation Retreat
Planning a Confirmation Retreat Planning Sheets
Practically Speaking: Practical Suggestions for Retreats with Young People
Using Movies and Music in Confirmation Retreats

David Dayler, M.A., serves as the Director of the Office for Discipleship and Parish Life for the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario. David is the author of Being a Man After God’s Own Heart (Novalis, 2013).

Anne Jamieson, is the Director of Catechesis for the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario. In addition to her ministry with the diocese, Anne is completing her D.Min. at the University of Toronto.

Articles for Parents and Catechists
Prayer, Ritual, and Music Resource: A Future With Hope

Strengthen your confirmation preparation program by helping your young people enter into the liturgical prayer of the Church. Following a strong liturgical model and using liturgical texts, but framed around their experiences preparing for the sacrament, these powerful prayer services will help them grow in their relationship with God and one another.

The themes included in this resource correlate to Pflaum’s Gifted With the Spirit Confirmation Program, but can also be used with any Confirmation program as well.

Click here to see how this resource works.

Click here for more information and to order.

Articles about Confirmation:
Glossary of Terms for Children to Know
E-blasts for Parents, Sponsors, and Candidates

Here you will find printable articles for each session so you can share lesson summaries with parents and families. English | Spanish

Reflections on the Fruits of the Spirit for Parents and Teens

Throughout the Sacramental preparation process, these handouts can be shared with candidates and their families to reflect on the Fruits of the Spirit.

English | Spanish

Video Links

These videos will help bring the message of the lesson to life. Play them in the session or share links with candidates and parents/sponsors to extend the lesson.

Junior High videos

Senior High videos

Enlaces para videos

Estos videos le ayudarán a dar vida al mensaje del Evangelio. Muéstrelos en la clase o compártalos con los candidatos y padres/padrinos para ampliar la lección.


Choosing a Confirmation Name

Find tips for choosing a Confirmation name and links to reliable websites for information about saints. Click here

Gifted with the Spirit Online Assessments

Assessment of student comprehension is important for all disciplines. In addition to measuring student progress, assessment gives the catechist-teacher, parent, or program director an opportunity to gauge the effectiveness of his or her teaching methods. Testing in a faith formation program, however, comes with a special warning: Religion tests are not faith tests. Access the Gifted with the Spirit assessments here: (English) (Spanish).

Selecting a Confirmation Sponsor

What things should a Confirmation candidate consider when choosing a sponsor? Click here

Reflections on the Gifts of the Spirit for Parents and Teens

Throughout the Sacramental preparation process, these handouts can be shared with candidates and their families to reflect on the Gifts of the Spirit.

English | Spanish

Blog post from Kevin Dowd: Confirmed in the Spirit
From the Catechism—Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit