These videos will help bring the message of the lesson to life. Play them in the session or share links with candidates and parents/sponsors to extend the lesson.
Junior High videos
Senior High videos
Estos videos le ayudarán a dar vida al mensaje del Evangelio. Muéstrelos en la clase o compártalos con los candidatos y padres/padrinos para ampliar la lección.
Here you will find printable articles for each session so you can share lesson summaries with parents and families. English | Spanish
In reimagining the Confirmation retreat, take a step back from the trips, the games, the destinations, and the guest speakers, and instead focus on the most important thing a retreat can still achieve: how it asks us to slow down, to reflect, to listen, and to grow in faith.
Scripture passages, stories and video links embedded right in the text, everything you need to lead a powerful retreat experience is here at your fingertips. Designed to lead your group in either an online format or socially distanced gathering, The Fire of Your Love works together with our best-selling confirmation prayer guide, A Future with Hope.
Click here to read a sample!
For the individual use version, please click here.
For the sharable use version, please click here.