Sacramental Preparation for Primary Levels

The Together in Jesus sacramental preparation program captures children’s attention with interactive stories and activities. They enjoy the exciting materials with stories, activities and colorful stickers to reinforce exciting concepts.


  • Improved and engaging design, content, photos, and illustrations
  • Updated Catechist Edition, free online guides for home programs and children with special needs, e-blast content for parents and families, resources to support requirements for two-year sacramental preparation programs, and video links for each lesson.
Together in Jesus Overview

Watch the program overview as the Publisher and the West Regional Sales Manager of Pflaum Publishing Group review the Together in Jesus Sacramental Preparation Programs for First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation with First Eucharist — with Student Lessons, Teaching Guides, and Online Bonus Resources.

Descripción general del programa

En este video, nuestra Editora Bilingüe y la Ejecutiva de Ventas para el estado de Texas ofrecen una descripción general de Unidos en Jesús, el Programa de preparación para los sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Primera Eucaristía de Pflaum Publishing Group. Esta descripción general incluye las lecciones para el alumno, Guías catequéticas y recursos adicionales disponibles en línea.

Why Together in Jesus?

When families become involved with a child’s preparation to receive the Sacraments, two things happen—the child’s experience is enriched and parents often have a renewed appreciation of what receiving that Sacrament has meant in their own lives. This shared experience is the key to the Together in Jesus program. Together in Jesus encourages families to talk about what a child learns in class—the stories, the activities, and the instruction about the specific Sacrament. Take-home materials and the “Questions Parents Ask” handout help families understand the Sacrament in a deeper way and support their children when they have questions!

Each Together in Jesus lesson builds carefully on the last. So when the big day arrives, both the child and the family are fully ready to receive, appreciate, and celebrate this great gift.

The Together in Jesus First Reconciliation program has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is complete and affordable, with take-home leaflets for each lesson to get families involved, too.

Together in Jesus Online Resources Overview

These videos are perfect to introduce the program to your catechists or teachers or to help parents who will be teaching the program with their children at home.

Descripción general de los recursos en línea

Estos videos son ideales para presentar el programa a sus catequistas y maestros o para ayudar a los padres que enseñarán el programa a sus hijos en casa.

First reconciliation

Lessons focus on biblical stories about Christian living to help children appreciate that God loves them and is always ready to forgive them.

First Eucharist

Lessons explore the sacraments of initiation, the liturgical seasons, and the biblical stories drawing children into fuller and more active participation in the life of the Church.

Confirmation First Eucharist

A comprehensive resource to develop a fuller awareness of the sacraments of initiation, or for restored order programs.

Bilingual editions

Bilingual editions include all of the components of the English edition, plus six student lessons, “Questions Parents Ask” and a Family Focus poster in both English and Spanish.

Music CD Sets

New music collection by teacher / composer, John Burland, for celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist.


Certificates are available separately for First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation/First Eucharist in a complimentary design to the Together in Jesus program.


More affordable than any other program found to be in conformity.


Involve parents with our popular take-home leaflets and Family focus poster in each student folder.


Children enjoy the exciting materials that reinforce important concepts.