Using Together in Jesus, Invited by Christ, and Gifted with the Spirit with the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies
Click here to view the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Correlations to Sacramental Preparation Programs for 2024-25.
Pflaum publishes the sacramental preparation programs Together in Jesus (Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Eucharist | Confirmation), Invited by Christ (Reconciliation and Eucharist), Gifted with the Spirit (Confirmation), and the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program (liturgical catechesis).
For each of the Church’s three Lectionary cycles, the Gospel Weeklies offer thirty-two lessons that help children respond to what Jesus asks of them in the Sunday Gospels and provide broad background for sacramental preparation. Check the Scope and Sequence charts for the age levels of the children in your sacramental formation program to find the Gospel Weeklies lessons that pair especially well with your sacramental preparation efforts.
Through stories, dramas, prayer services, and hands-on activities, each Gospel Weeklies lesson invites children and young people to connect their evolving life story with the Gospel and its relevance for their lives. By making the Gospel message their own, they will grow in their ability not only to participate in the Sunday Mass, but also to respond to Jesus’ challenge to love others and help those in need.