Pflaum understands that many parishes and schools are unable to hold in-person classes due to developments arising from the coronavirus COVID-19. In light of the challenge this poses, we are offering digital versions of the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies in addition to our printed lessons. Read our Digital Edition Guide to learn more today.
How Parents Can Teach Pflaum Gospel Weeklies at Home (video)
Información para padres: Cómo enseñar los Pflaum Gospel Weeklies en casa durante el cierre de parroquias y escuelas por el COVID-19
The Resources for Families page is also available. It includes new e-resources this year, including Parent Teaching Pages. These pages are simplified versions of our popular Teaching Guides—making it easy for parents teaching their children at home. It also offers links to Weekly Videos that coordinate with each week’s lesson.
For Families Who Cannot Attend Mass due to the Pandemic
Now you can reach out to those children and their families with Children Celebrate “At Home.” Just send us the names and addresses of your parish families with young children and we will send them the one quarter of Children Celebrate leaflets to use at home with their families. These full-color leaflets retell the Scripture message in a way that is meaningful to children and provide engaging activities and puzzles. Contact your sales representative to learn more.
NEW! Videos for each Sunday coordinate with the lesson materials. Parents will find this easy-to-use with our new short videos that include a Gospel reflection and a saint for each week. Links to the videos are included at no additional cost.
Resources for Sacramental Preparation for Families at Home
For our Sacramental preparation materials, you can purchase just the print copies or order the Combination Set (print plus digital editions) for just $1.50 more per student.
This will give you the flexibility to conduct classes in person or virtually. You will also be able to provide material to parents in the format that works best for you and for them.
Our Pflaum editors have also compiled a list of our free online resources to help parents provide instruction and faith interaction at home during this period of school closure. Anyone can sign up with their email address to have full access to the resources on by clicking on “Bonus Resources” at the top and choosing any of the resources in the many menus offered there.
Especially for First Eucharist and Reconciliation
We now offer these three-minute Lesson Preparation Videos for Parents and Catechists. To help you prepare lessons, watch these short preview videos. Each video gives an overview of the lesson objectives and materials needed and includes helpful teaching tips.
First Eucharist
First Reconciliation
Confirmation First Eucharist