We have so many ways of judging people—by wealth, education, religion, gender, appearance. I’ve caught myself being surprised by a 
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Come away with me to Saint Peter’s Square. Look up and see the statue of Saint Peter dominating the whole 
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Photo credit: iStock.com/Sergio Lacueva   Hurricane Florence was the third hurricane and the first major hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic 
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Today we are offered two very different visions of right living before God. One is to blindly follow the letter 
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Let us offer help and hope to one another who are suffering, and whose faith is tested. Click on the 
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We have so many ways of judging people—by wealth, education, religion, gender, appearance. I’ve caught myself being surprised by a 
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Photo credit: iStock.com/Sergio Lacueva   Hurricane Florence was the third hurricane and the first major hurricane of the 2018 Atlantic 
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Come away with me to Saint Peter’s Square. Look up and see the statue of Saint Peter dominating the whole 
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Today we are offered two very different visions of right living before God. One is to blindly follow the letter 
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The past month has been a difficult and sad one for the Church in America and for all Catholics. With 
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